Insights from the II. International Workshop on Innovations and Best Practices in Baku, Azerbaijan

In the pursuit of a world free from the devastating impact of landmines, the II. International Workshop on „Mine Action: Innovations and Best Practices” convened in Baku, bringing together experts, practitioners, and policymakers from around the globe. This event aimed to explore cutting-edge innovations and share best practices in the field of mine action, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The Workshop Agenda

The workshop’s agenda encompassed diverse topics, reflecting the multifaceted challenges associated with mine action. Sessions were dedicated to technological advancements, risk education, community engagement, and the integration of sustainable practices. Participants engaged in lively discussions, sharing experiences and lessons learned from various mine action initiatives worldwide.

Technological Innovations

One of the focal points of the workshop was the exploration of technological innovations transforming the landscape of mine action. Experts showcased the latest demining technologies, including robotics, artificial intelligence, and advanced detection methods. These innovations not only enhance the efficiency of clearance operations but also significantly improve the safety of field personnel.

Best practices in mine risk education

Risk education emerged as a critical component of mine action, and the workshop dedicated sessions to sharing best practices in this domain. Participants delved into effective methods of educating communities about the dangers of landmines, emphasizing preventive measures, and fostering a culture of safety. The exchange of successful risk education models promises to contribute to reducing the incidence of mine-related accidents globally.

Community engagement and empowerment

Recognizing the importance of community involvement, the workshop highlighted successful models of community engagement in mine action. Experts discussed how empowering local communities contributes to the success of demining initiatives and fosters sustainable development and resilience in post-conflict regions.

sustainability in mine action

In alignment with global efforts towards sustainability, the workshop explored environmentally friendly approaches to mine action. Discussions centered on the integration of sustainable practices in clearance operations, we are emphasizing the importance of minimizing the ecological impact and promoting long-term stability in affected areas

key takeaways and commitments

Participants acknowledged the insights gained and committed to applying these innovations and best practices in their respective regions as the workshop concluded. Collaborative partnerships were forged, laying the groundwork for continued knowledge exchange and joint efforts in advancing the global agenda for mine action.


The II. International Workshop on „Mine Action: Innovations and Best Practices” in Baku stands as a testament to the international community’s dedication to eradicating the threat of landmines. Through sharing innovations and best practices, participants have reinforced their commitment to creating a safer world free from the devastating impact of explosive remnants of war. The momentum generated at this workshop is poised to drive further advancements in mine action, bringing us closer to a future where communities can thrive without the shadow of landmine threats.